About us
Our locations
With offices in Zurich, London, Stuttgart, and Hong Kong, and thanks to dedicated employees in the USA and Asia, we operate globally and are located close to our clients.

Switzerland Zurich
- Binzstrasse 38
8045 Zürich - +41 43 210 55 00
- [email protected]
Monday to Friday
09.00 – 16.00 (UTC+1)

Great Britain London
- 2nd Floor, Techspace Whitechapel
38 – 40 Commercial Road
London E1 1LN - +44 207 420 4900
- [email protected]
Monday to Friday
08.00 – 17.00 (GMT)

Germany Stuttgart
- Stammheimer Strasse 10
Kornwestheim, Stuttgart 70806 - +49 7154 800 700
- [email protected]
Monday to Friday
09.00 – 17.00 (UTC+1)

Hong Kong Hong Kong
- RM1016, Ocean Centre
5 Canton Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kawloon - +852 2325 0085
- [email protected]
Monday to Friday
09.00 – 16.00 (UTC+8)