Media release | April 23, 2024 Switzerland Travel Centre shows major growth in 2023
Switzerland Travel Centre saw a 25% increase in booking turnover for 2023, reaching 110 million CHF. Growth was driven by North American, German, and UK markets, with rising demand from Asia. The company expects moderate growth for the next year.
Switzerland Travel Centre, the largest tour operator for holidays in Switzerland, increased its booking volume by CHF 22 million (+25%) year-on-year to CHF 110 million in the 2023 financial year. Losses incurred during the pandemic and carried forwards by its subsidiaries in London and Hong Kong have thus been discharged sooner than planned.
"In the 2023 financial year, we benefitted greatly from the catch-up effect following the pandemic. The high demand for our round trips through Switzerland, that can be customised and booked online, was very pleasing.", said Michael Maeder, CEO of Switzerland Travel Centre. For the current financial year, the Switzerland specialist continues to expect growth, albeit in the single-digit percentage range.
The high demand from North America, Germany and the UK was particularly noteworthy in 2023. Despite slightly limited flight capacities and high ticket prices, more guests from Asia, especially Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea, as well as from Australia, decided to book their holidays to Switzerland via Switzerland Travel Centre. Demand from the domestic market was equally pleasing – the Swiss have by no means, lost the pleasure they gained from travelling in their own country during the pandemic.
Über uns
Switzerland Travel Centre – eine geballte Ladung Schweiz
Switzerland Travel Centre ist der offizielle und zugleich grösste Reiseveranstalter für Ferien in der Schweiz – sei es für die Schweizer:innen selbst, internationale Individualkund:innen oder grosse Reiseanbietende aus der ganzen Welt. Dazu bietet Switzerland Travel Centre das grösste buchbare Angebot zum Ferienland Schweiz und sorgt damit für einen einfachen und bequemen Zugang zu über 2’000 Schweizer Hotels, erlebnisreichen Bahnangeboten, individuellen Rund- und Aktivreisen sowie Städte und Kultur Erlebnissen. Mit Standorten in Zürich, London, Stuttgart und Hongkong operiert Switzerland Travel Centre global und nahe an den Kund:innen. Switzerland Travel Centre ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von HotellerieSuisse, Schweiz Tourismus, der SBB sowie verschiedener Regionalbahnen und beschäftigt global über rund 130 von der Schweiz begeisterte Mitarbeitende. Der Hauptsitz ist in Zürich.
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