Media release | May 9, 2019 Switzerland Travel Centre with new website
Switzerland Travel Centre, the largest official Swiss holiday operator, launched a new website. It offers global guests interactive access to Swiss travel info, inspiration, and booking options to kickstart their adventure.
Those looking for a Swiss experience and to book their dream trip are in exactly the right place with Switzerland Travel Centre. On the new website, fans of Switzerland can put together their own package for a tailor-made travel experience. Here, a focus is also placed on insider tips from experts: they know Switzerland like the back of their hand – and are for all intents and purposes “locals”: the employees of Switzerland Travel Centre. Users should already be able to benefit from their expert knowledge and secret tips prior to embarking on their journey through the Alps. What are the best tours, which are the cheapest rail tickets and which hotel gems and holiday apartments can currently be booked at my desired destination? There is nothing more standing between guests and enjoying an authentic Swiss experience – both for individual Swiss and foreign guests. "With our new website, we place a systematic focus on the customer journey. The contents vary according to the guest's interests, travel duration, special wishes and seasonality and are tailored precisely to the user’s needs", explains Jessica Bernhagen, Project Manager and Digital Marketing Manager at Switzerland Travel Centre.
Automatic: one website in many versions
Switzerland Travel Centre now only has a single website instead of its three country-specific websites (CH, UK, DE) as was the case before. Under the content concept, country-specific contents are automatically called up depending on where the user accesses the website from, ensuring a customised user experience. The new website deliberately focuses on personal customer contact via telephone, online chat, e-mail and social media in order to highlight Switzerland Travel Centre's advisory expertise as a Swiss specialist. Online and offline advice is therefore optimally combined.
Use of new technologies
The website is now based on the CMS of Drupal and was developed together with the Zurich-based digital agency Station. The online booking of tours and packages is now completed via the innovative booking platform of the travel technology provider Nezasa from Zurich. «The entire platform will be developed further on an ongoing basis over the coming months. Various new developments are already in the pipeline, including a “dynamic packaging” service, which will allow our customers to put together their trips on a modular and individual basis in line with their needs from a “Switzerland kit», explains Oliver Tamas, the new Director of Digital Marketing & E-Commerce.
Über uns
Switzerland Travel Centre – eine geballte Ladung Schweiz
Switzerland Travel Centre ist der offizielle und zugleich grösste Reiseveranstalter für Ferien in der Schweiz – sei es für die Schweizer:innen selbst, internationale Individualkund:innen oder grosse Reiseanbietende aus der ganzen Welt. Dazu bietet Switzerland Travel Centre das grösste buchbare Angebot zum Ferienland Schweiz und sorgt damit für einen einfachen und bequemen Zugang zu über 2’000 Schweizer Hotels, erlebnisreichen Bahnangeboten, individuellen Rund- und Aktivreisen sowie Städte und Kultur Erlebnissen. Mit Standorten in Zürich, London, Stuttgart und Hongkong operiert Switzerland Travel Centre global und nahe an den Kund:innen. Switzerland Travel Centre ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von HotellerieSuisse, Schweiz Tourismus, der SBB sowie verschiedener Regionalbahnen und beschäftigt global über rund 130 von der Schweiz begeisterte Mitarbeitende. Der Hauptsitz ist in Zürich.
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