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Media release | 29 September 2022 New General Manager at Switzerland Travel Centre, London

Nick Robb has been appointed General Manager of the London subsidiary of Switzerland's largest tour operator. Clemens Bartlome, the outgoing GM, will become Head of Corporate Development at Switzerland Travel Centre in Zurich.

With Nick Robb, a very experienced manager is taking over responsibility for the London office of Switzerland Travel Centre as General Manager. A graduate of the Cranfield School of Management, with a degree in General Management, he was most recently employed as Sales & Account Director based at Switzerland Travel Centre in London. Nick Robbs vast experience in a variety of travel and tourism roles will allow him to continue with the company’s push towards recovery after the pandemic years.

Switzerland Travel Centre, London looks after the key customer markets of Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and Scandinavia. The Switzerland specialist focuses on selling attractive holidays to Switzerland, including panoramic tours by train, winter experiences and summer holidays in the Alps. Following two very difficult years as a result of the pandemic, the London-based tour operator has recovered during the current financial year and is now seeing a return to pre-pandemic booking levels.

The outgoing General Manager, Clemens Bartlome, decided to return to Switzerland with his family following a 3-year relocation to the UK. As Head of Corporate Development in Zurich, he will now be responsible for various company-wide projects, focussing on digitalisation, sustainability, innovation and organisation.

Über uns

Switzerland Travel Centre – eine geballte Ladung Schweiz

Switzerland Travel Centre ist der offizielle und zugleich grösste Reiseveranstalter für Ferien in der Schweiz – sei es für die Schweizer:innen selbst, internationale Individualkund:innen oder grosse Reiseanbietende aus der ganzen Welt. Dazu bietet Switzerland Travel Centre das grösste buchbare Angebot zum Ferienland Schweiz und sorgt damit für einen einfachen und bequemen Zugang zu über 2’000 Schweizer Hotels, erlebnisreichen Bahnangeboten, individuellen Rund- und Aktivreisen sowie Städte und Kultur Erlebnissen. Mit Standorten in Zürich, London, Stuttgart und Hongkong operiert Switzerland Travel Centre global und nahe an den Kund:innen. Switzerland Travel Centre ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von HotellerieSuisse, Schweiz Tourismus, der SBB sowie verschiedener Regionalbahnen und beschäftigt global über rund 130 von der Schweiz begeisterte Mitarbeitende. Der Hauptsitz ist in Zürich.

A person typing on a laptop keyboard in a cozy room.

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