
Daniela Dysli

Welcome to Switzerland Travel Centre!
You are welcome to contact us by e-mail or by phone on +41 43 210 55 00.

Why Swisstainable?

Environmentally conscious tourism: discover hotels that not only showcase the region's charm, but also apply environmentally friendly practices. 

Long-standing commitment: Swisstainable participants not only demonstrate a long-standing commitment to sustainability, but also commit to additional measures.

Swisstainable Winter

Swisstainable offers

Travelling with a clear conscience!

  • Before you book your hotel, make sure it bares with the Swisstainable logo! 

Here you will find Swisstainable-certified hotels:

The 3 levels of Swisstainable

label swisstainable level 3 leading

Level III - leading

You have comprehensive and recognised sustainability documentation that covers all aspects and is regularly externally verified.

Level II - engaged

You are committed to sustainable management and continuous improvement in sustainability. Furthermore, you have demonstrated at least one aspect of sustainability.
label swisstainable level 1 commited

Level I - commited

You are committed to sustainable management and are constantly working to make your activities more sustainable.