
Daniela Dysli

Welcome to Switzerland Travel Centre!

You are welcome to contact us by e-mail or by phone on +41 43 210 55 00.

What we want:

  • We are looking forward to a friendly, respectful and open exchange among each other

  • Constructive, stimulating contributions and discussions with us or the community are also welcome

What we do not tolerate:

  • Content that is offensive, obscene, pornographic, threatening, inciting to violence, discriminatory, racist, abusive, insulting, disparaging to third parties, misleading or illegal 

  • Content that contains direct or indirect advertising for third-party products 

  • Uploading files that contain harmful viruses or the like 

  • The falsification or deletion of correct source information belonging to the contributions 

  • Published content about which you do not have the necessary rights 

  • Contributions which have no touristic content as well as contributions without reference to our company as a touristic organization 

As the site operator, Switzerland Travel Centre reserves the right upon becoming aware of such content and actions, to remove such contributions without comment and to block persons in the event of a (repeated) violation of the netiquette.

Data privacy:

  • For your own safety, please do not post any personal data (e.g. credit card number, personal tickets, address, telephone number, etc.) 

  • If we become aware of entries with personal data, we reserve the right to delete these for your own protection

Further information:

Your uploaded contributions may be used for promotional purposes by Switzerland Travel Centre on its official social media channels. By uploading your contribution or using the hashtag #switzerlandtravelcentre, you give your explicit consent. All photos and videos shared by Switzerland Travel Centre will be copyright marked. If you do not agree, you can revoke your consent by contacting us by email at [email protected].